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Introduction to Executive Agility

Hi, my name is John Coleman and I am an Agility chef. I am also a professional trainer for, kanban and LeSS (Large Scale Scrum).

You don’t need to pick a specific Agile framework or predetermined style of working to be Agile. It just needs to be authentic and purpose driven for your organization.

So, how do I help you?

I help executives to unlock their own agility. I also help you define what you should measure, how you should measure it and why you should measure it.

I help executives and leadership teams simplify. I help them discover what is holding their teams back or slowing them down, and I help them make the decisions and take the specific actions that lead to increased Agility.

One of my key messages is that executives and leadership teams can stop doing things, rather than increasing the number of things you need to do, in order to achieve agility.

My book ‘hit delete‘ expands on this concept and explains how organizations can delete specific behaviours and processes in order to become more Agile.

As an executive or agile leader, you have more than enough on your plate to deal with. I help organizations achieve Agility by removing behaviours that slow the team down or stifle creativity.

Let’s move away from the topic of velocity and explore the concept of value instead.

Let’s explore how we can create an environment that inspires teams and promotes engagement from employees that really want to be there and contribute their best work.

Let’s worry less about attracting new talent to the organization and focus instead on enabling the talent that already works there.

Let’s focus on discovering new value for new jobs to be done for customers that your  competitors aren’t even working on yet.

That is me in a nutshell and how I help executives unlock their agility.

If you would like to explore training options for executives and leadership teams, visit our Executive Agility Training page.

If you like the idea of executive and leadership coaching that helps you define and execute an Agility roadmap, visit our Executive Agility Coaching page.

If you are looking for a deeply experience Agile consultant who has walked the path to agility many times before, visit our Executive Agility Consulting page.

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