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Who is on your team?

Who is on your team?

W Edwards Deming famously talked about how even the best people can’t perform well in a bad system.

I’m sure you’re a wonderful executive who is inspired and executes with lots of great energy, but who is on your team?

I’ve witnessed, time and time again, how great executives who are enthusiastic, inspired, think in all the right ways have the wrong people on the bus.

In his great book, ‘Good to Great’, author Jim Collins asks the question about whether you have the right people on the bus and are they in the right seats? Do you have the right person driving the bus?

I’m assuming that you are driving the bus and that you are exactly the right person to be driving the bus, but who is on the bus with you and are they the right people?

What tolerance do you have for a lack of agility at the leadership level?

I can tell you that the companies that are really successful with achieving business agility have zero tolerance for a lack of agility at the leadership level.

And so, if you are tolerating people at the leadership level that operate from the 20th century style of command-and-control management, you are demonstrating, through what you tolerate, what is acceptable within the organization.

In this environment, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

You could make great progress. You might even last 5 years doing this. But if you have the wrong people on your team, you have a problem.

If you can’t change the team, change the team.

About John Coleman

John Coleman has deep experience and expertise working with executives, #leadership teams and product development teams to achieve increased #businessagility and create environments where creativity and collaboration produce high-performance teams.

If you are interested in helping your team or organization achieve greater agility and want to explore agile training options, visit our training page.

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If you are looking for an expert agile consultant that can help your leadership team identify an appropriate roadmap to business agility and take the most effective course of action in your agile transformation, visit our consulting page.

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